Aylesbury ORRC

20/12/2024 - Fun Night With Mince Pies And Sweeties And ......

Qualifying - Round 3

Race 3 - Mardave

Driver Mick Stiff
Position 5
Result 17 / 247.99
Average 14.58
Best10 12.51
Best 11.68
Consec3 36.02
Lap Time
1 14.56
2 12.80
3 15.06
4 11.68
5 11.86
6 12.48
7 12.43
8 15.52
9 15.02
10 12.96
11 12.70
12 12.75
13 13.68
14 11.76
15 16.39
16 32.49
17 13.85