Aylesbury ORRC

20/12/2024 - Fun Night With Mince Pies And Sweeties And ......

Qualifying - Round 1

Race 2 - MTC

Driver Alexis Wood
Position 1
Result 25 / 243.52
Average 9.74
Best10 9.01
Best 8.79
Consec3 27.18
Lap Time
1 9.10
2 9.89
3 10.55
4 9.12
5 17.82
6 8.90
7 9.17
8 9.11
9 8.91
10 9.63
11 9.52
12 9.12
13 9.30
14 9.22
15 9.75
16 10.69
17 9.28
18 8.95
19 10.48
20 9.04
21 9.11
22 9.10
23 9.46
24 9.51
25 8.79