16/05/2023 - Monitex Spring Series R2 Of 2 Wk8 Best 8 Of 11

Finals - Round 1

Race 5 - Mini (Core 21) - A Final

Driver Stephen Ball
Position 3
Result 18 / 308.41
Average 17.13
Best3 16.63
Best 16.58
Consec3 47.90
Lap Time
1 14.30
2 16.58
3 17.02
4 16.92
5 16.74
6 16.89
7 16.88
8 17.26
9 19.32
10 17.03
11 16.93
12 16.58
13 16.91
14 17.23
15 17.23
16 19.71
17 17.38
18 17.50